Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Beginning again

I feel like I am beginning again after a long absence. What I thought might take only weeks, has taken months.

This photo by Elizabeth reminds me to accept the changes; take time to stop when needed; smell the flowers along life's path; be willing to begin again.

That can be so true of your spiritual life. If you and God have had a long spell apart, do not wait any longer to begin again. I know He is waiting for you.


Richard said...

Welcome Back. I missed your blog.

Hollace said...

Glad to see you again.
As far as my reading list that you commented on, it started when my niece asked me for the 15 most influential books in my life, just off the top of my head. Well, I don't do "off the top of my head" very well, and my memories are more about types of books in periods of my life that specific influential ones. I would say these are more formative than influential.
I think the spiritual reading I've done has been most influential and primarily the Bible studies which I've done for years. Maybe I'll write more about this in another blog...
Were you ill? I hope all is well now.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!! I look forward to your postings once again!!

Lois said...

I'm so glad you're back. I've missed your postings. I hope that things are settling "in" for you.

Stacie, A Firefighter's Wife said...

You are right on. I have been bathing in His love lately and what a difference it makes. I keep going back to the well and it keeps me sane and whole!

Montanagirl said...

So glad to see you back! I've really missed your posts.