Photo by Connie
Did you see only the blurred background?
Or maybe the sticks above the fence?
How about the tiny heart-shaped scars where branches were last summer?
How about the tiny bird to the right of the photo?
At first glimpse, we do not begin to see all that God can mean to us. How about taking His hand and spending some time with Him!
As in nature so it is with God and HIs word,we need to really slow down and take time to see all that there is.
At our women's Bible study yesterday we were talking about "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God". We talked about how we can see Him now (in nature, in history, in our experiences of walking with Him) as well as the face-to-face future we have ahead. [Of course, the emphasis in the lesson was to be pure in heart.]
Sweet little birdie!
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